Worst League Update Ever (10/25/22)

I’ve probably said this before, but this is the worst league update ever. The reason is that I apparently did not take any photos. Or I did but they got lost somewhere, which is a possibility. I’ve been having issues transferring photos from my various cameras to my computer which has also put my previously neatly sorted files into disorder. It’s really hard to believe that I didn’t take a single photo during the last league night, but if I did, I just can’t find them.

This is especially too bad since we did have a new joiner on 10/25, Mark. Mark is an old-school pinballer and said he hasn’t played the modern games very much. He’ll be getting a lot of opportunity given how many shiny new games we have at The Avenue! We also had the return of two previous members who didn’t play last season, Jen and Joe. Strangely, league regular Jason has yet to be seen this season still.

I had previously announced that if we passed the 16-player threshold on a given night, we would return to rotating banks. I didn’t think it was likely to happen, and I was wrong, since it happened on this night. We had 17 people play, the most in a long while, and we accordingly started a two-bank rotation. Since it was night #2, this will mean that if the crowd doesn’t thin back out later, we are going to have to have one especially long night at the end of the season to even things up. We’ll worry about that when it comes to it. In the meantime, after tonight, if we have another night of 16 or fewer people we will return to playing a single bank. (Tonight we have to play the second half of the two banks we started last time.)

The Smackdown game was on Ghostbusters, which Allen won. He had to give up a good game of Godzilla to play in the finals, which is just as well because my dice roll chose Godzilla as the undercard game. The undercard champ was Joe. Sadly I still have no medals to give out as I have not had a chance to find a new source of them since Michaels discontinued them. I will continue giving out IOUs to the winners and make good on them eventually!

I’ll see you all at league soon. Don’t forget to come early as we will be playing a Smackdown side tournament on … the second Godzilla, “Godzilla 2,” which is now upstairs in The Avenue. (Godzilla 1 is in one of the league banks for tonight.) Smackdown qualifying games can be put in before league or after you finish your league games provided league is still going on. When league finishes we play the finals, a one-game match. Although it’s a tiny tournament, it’s registered with the IFPA, so it helps the league’s value if everyone plays in it. (That was the original reason we started having those tournaments, although I think they’ve ended up being pretty popular in their own right.)

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