League Night Recap for 8/13/19

There are no pictures this week (that is, the recap for Season 13, meeting #3), and for a change it’s not because I forgot to take any. No, I have pictures, they’re just inaccessible. This is because the exciting news I got Monday morning, which is that my computer had been stolen from Capitol Macintosh during a break-in. Apparently the burglars grabbed two display computers (one of which was a 2002 iMac for some reason) and two computers that were on the workbench being worked on. One of the latter was mine. Capitol Mac has written me a check for the rather pathetic value of a 2012 MacBook Pro, but nothing can compensate the life disruption that happens when someone who is glued to her laptop approximately 75% of the waking day is deprived of it. And the day before I went back to school, too. My new one won’t be in until September 11 so I really hope I don’t crack up before then. My 2007 MacBook – the only other option I have at home – is really not cutting it in this fast paced modern world. Anyway, that’s a long way of saying “I have nothing in the house right now that can read the SD card from my camera.”

I was able to recover my league night notes from my backup drive, so here goes. We played bank Clio, the “magic” themed bank. I started off the night by just about taking apart Tales of the Arabian Nights. I had something like 45 million, very easily my personal best (or “peanut butter” as the cool kids call it) and this without even getting close to rescuing the princess because I really don’t play for modes most of the time. On my last ball, having already played two really good multi balls earlier in the game, I had lamp value raised and a lot of bonus multipliers so I decided to forget lighting locks and just spin the ever-loving hell out of the lamp at every possible opportunity. I rarely get to win the night on a game but I managed it this time. I’d say I stopped Mike from having another perfect night, but I heard that Theatre of Magic nipped that in the bud anyway.

We spent a long time waiting behind a backup on Lord of the Rings. I’m sure more than one person was responsible for that, but I did hear that Joseph had an especially killer LotR game. Meanwhile, Medieval Madness was slaying people left and right with its sneeze-sensitive tilt bob. I saw someone in my group tilt for literally nothing, most likely because it was still swinging from a previous player’s tilt. Lots of people complained to me about the MM tilt but hey, it’s not my game, I just play it (reluctantly). I actually had one of my better MMs in a long time, though, I have to admit.

Danny finished up the night on a huge game of Black Knight: Sword of Rage. We were the last group still playing and he was player 4, so he would not have been able to get in a qualifying game for the Smackdown. As a result he instructed me to plunge his Ball 3 and ran upstairs after Ball 2 to play Star Wars. Despite this, he still had the highest score on BK:SoR. He also went on to win the Smackdown, so I guess it was a good trade. Mike won the B division “Undercard.”

I’d probably be remiss not to mention some other league news even though it is a little bit of a sore spot for me. The good news is that The Avenue now has a Jurassic Park (the new Stern game). The bad news is that The Beatles was moved out for it. As that is a rare game on location and one of my favorites, I am not happy about it. I did go out to the Royal Scot to visit it at its new home where it is in the bar area. I hadn’t been to the Royal Scot in a while so I hadn’t realized how many of The Avenue’s past games were residing there. It’s like The Avenue in Exile over there. Despite my nose being out of joint, we will still be having a Jurassic Park launch party on Wednesday, September 18.

Tonight we will be playing bank Urania, the “stars” bank, which is Attack from Mars, Junk Yard, Star Wars, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Trek: The Even Nexter Generation. We will be starting at 7 as usual, though Joseph will have to get things started as I likely won’t arrive until right about 7. See you soon!

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