League Night Recap for 3/27/18

Derik and Mike shoot the breeze while Joseph gets to work.

March 27 was the 6th league night of Season 10.  We have eight total league nights, followed by a night of finals and another night for our postseason “Super-Ball” tournament.  We had a somewhat smaller turnout this week, though our Fearless Leader Emeritus Matt P. was once again in attendance.  I tried getting him to bring Aaron H., who was always such a calming influence on me back when I would get too worked up over a bad league night, but Matt said it’s just not going to happen because Aaron has to rise so early for work these days.  I just feel sorry for our newer members who have never had the opportunity to enjoy the wisdom and wit of Aaron “HMZ.”  We were also joined by Kristen G., a former member from the old-old days who has recently shown up again a couple of times when things aligned with her work schedule.  But where was Oscar T., who was so enthusiastic about league the first time I met him that he paid in full for the season prior to ever attending a single session?  Not in evidence this time, but we’re all hoping to see him back soon.

Mike playing one of our league games: Ghostdrainers, I mean Ghostbusters.

Our games for the night were Attack from Mars, Demolition Man, Fish Tales, Getaway, and Ghostbusters.  That’s right: Demo Man!  This was our first time successfully getting through a league night of playing it, due to Derik disabling the unreliable claw.  It certainly worked out for me as I had my first-ever billion-plus game on it!  And came in second for the night.  Damn you, Terry!  I shake my fist at you and your billion and a half!

Ghostbusters (or as Tim calls it, Ghostdrainers) had the most variable scores for the night, with people ranging all over the board.  Fish Tales was also a highly variable array.  I managed to have my biggest Third Ball Rally (apologies to Chesterfield Pinball League for the use of their favorite catch-phrase) ever on FT, going from about 5 million to 150 million on Ball 3, thanks in part to WATERSKIERS!!

Bryan looks to the heavens, asking the pinball gods why they forsook him on his game of Fish Tales.

After league we had the Smackdown playoffs.  The game of the night was South Park and the Rookie Challenge game (randomly drawn from those in the vicinity) was on Fish Tales.  Danny won his first Smackdown hardware for the main finals and Derik slummed his way into a win in the Rookie division.

Tonight is our next league night, so I hope I’ll see you all in just a few hours at the Avenue!  Here are the Smackdown pictures for your viewing pleasure.  And don’t forget that you can always view our Google doc of league standings for the latest results.  Joseph generally updates it later the same night.

Smackdown finalists Terry, Mike, and Joseph, ganging up on the winner, Danny.

Smackdown Rookie challengers Bryan and Karen beat up on the Rookie winner, Derik “Slummin'” S.


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